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Jeremy: The Last Person to see Hannah Alive
We don't know what happened to Hannah. We don't know if it was premeditated murder, an accidental killing, or even a simple accident. What we do know is that there are enough facts and questionable details to label it a suspicious death that needs to be thoroughly investigated.
What We Don't Know... and What We Do...
We don't know the exact nature of Hannah's relationship with Jeremy. Jeremy told police that he had know Hannah for 5-6 years. Hannah had told her family that Jeremy was a friend, someone that was paying her for companionship. However Hannah's family never spoke with him and had concerns about her relationship with him.
Handwritten notes found in the public records (shown below) say "Jeremy Gaylord - suspect possible sex abuse" but the report was never provided as part of the total record. Other reports listed on the subsequent sheets about Ricky and Hannah were provided. The reports on Jeremy were not. The family requested a copy of the report and it only supports the family's concerns which they had presented to Sheriff Songer back in October 26, 2022.

Portland Police Bureau
suspect possible sex abuse
When the family saw this they immediately requested the records from Portland Police Bureau, and after waiting for several weeks PPB released a redacted document. The document confirmed that Jeremy had the police called on him by a young woman he met on seeking arrangements. Charges were never brought against Jeremy. The young woman alleged that Jeremy had sexually abused her.
The Walker family is sure that the woman in the police report wasn't Hannah, as Hannah was traveling in Istanbul, Turkey. This information raises more questions than answers.